Dear Parents,

Kindly inform your child that starting Monday, 10 February 2020, Upon arriving school, they are to wait for the main gate (school entrance) to open. The gate near the playground will no longer be used as an entrance gate in the morning.

Thank you.


Mrs J


3-Way Conference Schedule

Dear Parents,

Please find the schedule of the conference below. The same schedule was also sent to your emails. See you next week.

3 February
4 February
5 February
6 February
7 February
15:40 - 15:55
15:40 - 15:55
15:40 - 15:55
15:40 - 15:55

15:55 - 16:10
15:55 - 16:10

15:55 - 16:10
15:55 - 16:10

16:10 - 16:25

16:25 - 16:40

16:25 - 16:40

16:00 - 16:20


Mrs J



Dear Grade 4 families,

In connection with our new Gr. 3 & 4 Unit on Maps and our first Line of Inquiry into interpreting maps, we are planning to go Geocaching! To learn more about Geocaching, please visit this site.

Details: 31 January 2020 from 11:10 - 12:30. Meet at DSKI school building.

Similarly to our family hike at Nunobiki Waterfalls, we would like to extend an invitation to parents, siblings and friends to join us. 
We are looking for some parents who would be able to act as team leaders. You will need to install the geocaching app onto a mobile device, with internet access, ahead of time. Then on the day supervise a small group of learners as the treasure hunt around the island for caches.
Please fill out this form if you will be willing to act as a parent team leader or if you are able to join our exciting activity.


Mrs J


Dear Parents,

We would like to invite you on the 29th of January, Wednesday from 2:45 PM at the MPR. Grade 4s will present to you their mini-plays on a learner profile of their choice.

Hope to see you there!

Grade 4

Oktoberfest 2019

A message from Mr. Inman:

We are getting the Oktoberfest preparations well underway and we really need your help, so we have a few requests...

- Could you please donate a new toy or book we could use in our Kids Room Bingo? Value 100 yen - 1000 yen maximum.
We will have a donation day on the 18th September, and a donation box will be in the main entrance, for parents of students to drop off. Please use this day, then the team can prepare the prizes on the 19th.

- Tombola prizes. We would like to ask if there are any parents who would be interested in donating a prize for our tombola? If it is a high value prize, please contact me to be one of our sponsors, receive a sponsor voucher and be recognised on our sponsor list. Tombola is always popular and very visible for sponsors.

- Cakes! We sell lots of cakes on the day, so please can every family donate a cake. Please bring on the morning of the 12th October. We will offer a cake making day on the 9th October, 9.00am for parents who would like to bake with others who are more experienced.  

- Work help. We ask each class to take responsibility for one aspect of the Oktoberfest - helping set up, and helping on the day itself. The allocation is as follows -

Early Years - Kids Room (Team leader Anita Moench)
Pre-School - Cake Team (Team leader Hee-ja Oh)
G1/2 - Tombola team (Team leader Daniela Rost)
G3/4 - Drinks team (Team leader Maiko Gardiner-Elko)
G5/6 - Food  Team (Team leader Ingrid Brabeck)
Whole school - set up on the 11th (Team leader Justin Pecora/Ingrid Brabeck)

I have sent out a shift plan sign up link for parents to sign up for the time when they can help on the day.  If you cant open the link please let me know.

Food preparation - Please come join us on Friday the 11th 9.00am - 12.00pm for making the salads, potato salads etc.
Drink donation, please could you bring some soft drinks and juice for the drinks team, we will need quite a lot for children and non-alcohol options. Please bring on Friday the 11th October so we can check we have enough.

Set up - We also need as many parents as possible in on October the11th to set up the Oktoberfest tents, rooms, stalls etc. Please come and help!!

Many thanks and please bring along all your friends and family to enjoy the day!

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To my awesome Grade 4 learners, You did an AMAZING job this year. You have grown into young ladies and gentlemen. I wish you all the be...