Friday 31 January 2020

Finding Treasures around Rokko Island

It was such a challenging but really a fun experience to find treasures around the island. The Grades 3 and 4 learners were divided into 5 groups. Each group was led by an adult: teachers and parent volunteers.

The main purpose of the activity is for the kids to apply their understanding of maps and how maps help us locate places.

As time was limited, the kids were not able to find all 4 'caches'. This is a good way to bond on weekends. Try it with them sometime. Download the app to your phone. :)

Element of Value

This week, we focused on the element of value in our Art lesson. They were challenged to show colour scale by tinting and shading. It was challenging for almost everybody but they did their best and tried to apply their knowledge to the best of their ability. :)

Their paintings are displayed outside the classroom. Feel free to take a peek. :)

Grade 4 Assembly

Grade 4s used simple dramatic plays to raise awareness about what is happening around the world. They really hoped that they have sent their messages successfully. They also hoped that you enjoyed their simple but meaningful presentation.

Thursday 23 January 2020


Using their protractors, our young detectives were challenged to locate some mystery angles. With the map given to them at hand, they located the mystery angles and measured them using their protractors. Some were able to locate all five of them. Some got stuck at three. But what is important is the FUN they felt when they were doing it. :)

The Element of Colours

For our ART lesson this week, the students learnt more about COLOURS as an element of ARTS and how colour choices are made, and affect the aesthetic quality of a piece of art.

Their art pieces are displayed outside the classroom. Feel free to visit and see. :)


This week, we started our news sharing. This is one way to bring awareness to the kids that certain events happen around the world and these events concern and affect us in one way or another. The bulk of news that was shared this week was about the Bushfire in Australia, the eruption of Taal Volcano in the Philippines, the on-going war between Iran and the US and the Corona virus outbreak in Wuhan, China. It is really good to hear the Learners' perspective and reflection about these news and how they can explain how these news may affect us.

Thursday 16 January 2020


What do we know about maps? What do we want to know about maps? These are the areas we focused on in this activity.


To my awesome Grade 4 learners, You did an AMAZING job this year. You have grown into young ladies and gentlemen. I wish you all the be...